Yesterday, the Louisiana Department of Health 5,318 new #COVID19 cases. Of those cases, 3,063 were confirmed cases and 2,255 were probable cases. A backlog is included resulting from a newly on-boarded lab. This backlog includes 916 cases that date as far back as 11/9/20. 98% of the cases reported were community spread. 2% were in congregate settings. Individuals between the ages of 18 and 29 (17%) and between the ages of 30 and 39 (14%) account for 33% of these cases. 58 deaths were reported yesterday, bringing the current total death count to 8,080. There were 1,975 COVID patients in hospitals with 245 on ventilators. As of yesterday, 201,377 total doses had administered. 30,988 had received both doses.
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